If you are away for extended periods of time we can bring in the mail, turn lights on or off, close or open curtains/blinds and do a general check on your household for your home insurance policies needs.
While you are away at work or on vacation we will come to your home to take care of your dog(s)!
Whether you need us to walk your pup, play with your pooch, clean up your backyard from "landmines" or take your doggy to the vet. We will customize a care plan specific to your K9's needs.
We will happily send a report as well as photos and/or videos after each walk or visit. No charge! We want to make sure you and your best friend feel at home even if you are not actually there.
Dog Services
Forest City Pet Care. Copyright Chris Fowler & Meghan Morris. All rights reserved.
Contact us! Phone: 519 317 7884 Email: forestcitypetcare@yahoo.ca Facebook: www.facebook.com/forestcitypetcare/